**Second District, FGCNYS, CAR, and NGC events are noted in red. **
                                                  **  Individual Garden Club events are noted in black.**

This calendar was last revised on February 1, 2025


Second District Calendar

See homepage under tentative calendar icon.



JANUARY 1                          Long Island Gardener Trumpet Vine deadline to Section Chairmen 

JANUARY 10                        Long Island Gardener Bulletin Board Ads deadline to editor


FEBRUARY 26                    Second District Board Meeting Zoom  

 MARCH 2024  

MARCH 25                          Second District Annual Meeting and Spring Luncheon "The Joy of Spring"
                                            at The Hamlet Golf and Country Club, Commack NY. $75 per person. 
                                            Contact Elaine Shein at 718 945-5519 or at  [email protected].      

APRIL 2024

APRIL 1                              FGCNYS and Second District Dues deadline  

APRIL 10                            Long Island Gardener Bulletin Board Ads deadline to editor

APRIL 22                            Earth Day

APRIL 26                            Arbor Day New York State

APRIL 29                            Second District Board Meeting, West Islip Public Library, 10:30 am

MAY 2024

MAY 2024                            NGC Convention

MAY 5  -  11                         National Wildflower Week   

MAY 6  -  7                           FGCNYS Convention , Albany, NY  

MAY 7  -  9                           FGCNYS Symposium, Albany, NY

MAY 14                                The Dix Hills Garden Club Plant Sale  3 - 7 pm at the Dix Hills Fire Dept. Headquarters.
                                             Go to Homepage to access flyer with details.

MAY 16                                Second District Design Workshop, West Islip Library, 10:30 am

MAY 20                                Second District Board Meeting, West Islip Public Library, 10:30 am 

MAY 22                                The Glen Garden Club of Glen Head 75th Anniversary Luncheon "Flower Arranging
                                             for Springtime & Beyond" at the Manhasset Bay Yacht Club $70 per person. Contact
                                             Laura at [email protected] or 516 671-8890. 

JUNE 2024

JUNE  2  -  8                       National Garden Week

JUNE 24                             Second District Board Luncheon, TBA  

JULY 2024

JULY 1                                Long Island Gardener Trumpet Vine deadline to Section Chairmen

JULY 10                              Long Island Gardener Bulletin Board Ads deadline to editor


AUGUST 13                        The Bay Shore Garden Club celebrates 95 years at Captain Bill's 
                                             Bay Shore. Go to Homepage to access flyer with details. 


SEPT 12                            Second District Workshop   Morning Session 'Petite Design' 10 am - 12 noon
                                           Afternoon Session 'Angular Design' 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm.  Go to Homepage to access
                                           flyer with details and registration form. 

SEPT 13 - 14                     The Sayville Garden Club presents a Small Standard Flower Show at the Bayport 
                                           Bluepoint Public Library, 186 Middle Road Bluepoint 11715 on Friday 1 pm - 4 pm and 
                                           Saturday 10 am - 3 pm. Contact Kate Rowe 631 750-2902 or Carol Jones 631 589-1781.                                                   Free admission. 

SEPT 18                            The Asharoken Garden Club 100th Year Celebration at the Larkfield, East Northport.
                                           Go to Homepage to access flyer with details.         

SEPT 19                            Presidents Council    Bay Shore Brightwaters Public Library 10 am - 3 pm
                                           Morning Program "Growing Membership through Youth Programming." 
                                           Afternoon Program "Butterfly Island and the Invincible Crew."      
                                           Go to Homepage to access flyer with details and registration form.                                                        

SEPT 23                            Second District Board Meeting,  West Islip Library, 10:30 am

SEPT 24                            The Dix Hills Garden Club Golden Jubilee Celebration at The Heritage at Bethpage
                                           State Park. Go to Homepage to access flyer with details.


OCT 2                                Judges Council  10:00 am, Bayard Cutting Arboretum in the River Room
                                           Lower level of the Carriage House. 

OCT 2                                The Suwassett Garden Club 'Fabulous Fall Luncheon' at the Port
                                           Jefferson Country Club. Floral Designs and Art Show. Go to the Forms List
                                           for flyer with details.  

OCT 10                               Long Island Gardener Bulletin Board Ads deadline to the editor

OCT 16                               Sumpwams Garden Club 68th Anniversary Luncheon 'Shades of Autumn' at
                                           Capt. Bills of Bay Shore. Go to Homepage to access flyer with details.

OCT 28                               Second District Board Meeting, West Islip Library, 10:30 am


NOV 6                                  The Fort Neck Garden Club's 70th Anniversary Luncheon "Celebrate 
                                             with Flowers" at the Unqua Corinthian Yacht Club Amityville. Go to 
                                             the Homepage to access flyer with details.                      

NOV 13                                The Glen Garden Club presents their "Fall Festival of Flowers" 
                                             Luncheon at the Sea Cliff Manor. Go to the Homepage to access 
                                             flyer with details.   

NOV 13                                FGCNYS Fall Board Meeting 10 am ZOOM

NOV 18                                Second District Board Meeting,  West Islip Library, 10:30 am

                                                                                  DECEMBER 2024  

DEC 7                                  The Three Village Garden Club presents a 'Greenery Boutique' at the
                                             Setauket Neighborhood House  95 Main Street Setauket, NY 11733.
                                             9 am - 2 pm. Free entry. Contact: Patricia Bany   516 680-6719. See
                                             flyer accessible from the homepage.                                                          


                Second District