Page Title 

                       Second District Conservation List

     Scientific Name                         Common Name
     Arisaema dracontium                        Green-dragon
     Arisaema triphyllum                          Jack-in-the Pulpit 
     Asclepias tuberosa                           Butterfly-weed
     Campanula rotundifolia                      Harebell
     Celastrus scandens*                         American Bittersweet
     Chimaphila maculata                         Spotted Wintergreen
     Chimaphila umbellata                        Pipsissewa
     Cornus florida                                   Flowering Dogwood
     Drosera -  all native species               Sundew
     Epigaea repens                                 Trailing Arbutus
     Erythronium americanum                   Trout Lilly
     Euonymus americanus                      Bursting Heart
     Euonymus atropurpureus                   Wahoo
     Filices - all native species**                Ferns
     Gentiana - all native species               All Gentians
     Hydrastis canadensis                        Golden Seal
     Ilex glabra                                         Inkberry
     Ilex opaca                                         American Holly
     Ilex verticillata                                   Winterberry
     Kalmia -  all native species                 Laurel
     Lilium canadense                              Canada Lily
     Lilium philadelphicum                        Wood Lily
     Lilium superbum                               Turk’s Cap Lily
     Lobelia cardinalis                              Cardinal Flower
     Lycopodium - all native species          All Clubmosses (including Princess
     Mertensia virginica      Virginia Bluebell
     Mitchella repens                               Partridge Berry
     Monarda didyma                               Bee-balm
     Monotropa uniflora                             Indian Pipe
     Myrica pensylvanica                          Bayberry
     Nelumbo Lutea                                 American Lotus
     Opuntia humifusa                              Prickly Pear Cactus
     Orchidaceae                                     All Native Orchids
     Orontium aquaticum                          Golden Club
     Panax quinquefolius                          Ginseng
     Panax trifolius                                   Dwarf Ginseng
     Pyrus coronaria                                 Wild Crab Apple
     Rhododendron - all native species including:
       Rhododendron maximum                         Rosebay
       Rhododendron nudiflorum                        Pinxter Azalea  
       Rhododendron viscosum                  Swamp Azalea     
     Rosa virginiana                                  Wild Rose (New York State Flower)
     Sabatia - all native species                 Marsh Pinks
     Sanguinaria canadensis                     Bloodroot
     Sarracenia purpurea                           Pitcher Plant
     Silene caroliniana                              Wild Pink
     Trillium - all native species                 Trillium
     Trollius laxus                                    Globe Flower
     Uvularia sessilifolia                            Bellwort
     Viola pedata                                     Bird’s Foot Violet

* RARE and not to be confused with Oriental Bittersweet (Calestrus orbiculatus) which is common on Long Island.  No VARIETY may be used in a Flower Show.
**Native Ferns cannot be exhibited in any Division of a Flower Show, except in the Special Exhibits Division, as an Educational Exhibit.  Such plants must have been acquired in a lawful manner.    



 Post your Garden Club’s flower shows, luncheons, fundraisers etc. 
 A maximum of four events per Garden Club to be posted at one time. 
 All posted events will be deleted after the scheduled date.
 Mail or scan and email the completed form below to:
Marion Romeo
District Website Chairman
1860 Park Drive Seaford, New York 11783
[email protected] 

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GARDEN CLUB________________________________________________ 
Submitted by _____________________  Phone Number _______________ 

Event ________________________________________________________
Date  ___________________  Hours _________________  Cost ________
Location ______________________________________________________
Contact Name _______________________ Phone #   _________________

Event _________________________________________________________
Date  ___________________  Hours _________________  Cost _________
Location _______________________________________________________
Contact Name _______________________ Phone #   __________________

Event _________________________________________________________
Date  ___________________  Hours _________________  Cost _________
Location _______________________________________________________
Contact Name _______________________ Phone #   __________________

Event _________________________________________________________
Date  ___________________  Hours _________________  Cost _________
Location _______________________________________________________
Contact Name _______________________ Phone #   __________________